The football team getting ready for a match
The football team getting ready for a match

Who are Leeds Adults?

The Leeds Adults Transplant Sport team is made up of transplant recipients aged 18 to 86, as well as their friends and families. We participate in a wide range of sports (both for fun and competition), social activities, fundraising, and charity events. Our dedicated members come together not just to compete but to foster a sense of community and support among each other.

We also make sure any new recipients get a warm welcome and the support they and their families may need in those uncertain days immediately after they have experienced transplantation. We encourage a normal, healthy lifestyle and to take part in sport, as well as building friendships and celebrating the gift of life.

We’d love you to join the team and help us grow.

The team welcomes anyone who has had their transplant within Leeds Teaching Hospitals, their families, friends, donor families and anyone who would like to help raise awareness of organ donation. Whether you’re interested in sport, or want to come along and support us, there’s something for everyone to get involved with.

While only transplant recipients can compete in the games, supporters play a vital role by participating in social events and cheering on the athletes. This also gives the families of recipients opportunities to meet with others who have had similar experiences, sharing stories and learning from each other.

Whether you’re interested in sport, or want to come along and support us, there’s something for everyone to get involved with. We invite you to come see what these games are all about and be part of an inspiring and life-affirming event.

In 2022, the BTG were held in Leeds, where we proudly entered our largest team ever. Our contingent included 57 competitors and 27 spectators, making us the largest team at the games that year. Here's what those games were like in our home city.

The team parading through Leeds at our home games
The team parading through Leeds at our home games